The way individuals learn is extremely interesting to me. Howard Gardner lists those ways as "Multiple Intelligences". According to Mr. Gardner, some of the ways people learn best are verbally, musically, kinesthetically, spatially, and naturalistically. I have only been introduced to Mr. Gardner's research, but I think additional study of his work could be very helpful for a teacher.
A classroom full of students who have different learning styles should be considered when a teacher is planning her lessons. More learning happens when each child is made aware of information in the a way he or she can best absorb it. Lecture style teaching is the most traditional, but school can be lots more fun, motivating and effective when learning styles are considered when lessons are taught.
A bit about me
I am an Elementary Education Student at the University of South Alabama. I plan to student teach and graduate in the fall of 2011. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for over seventeen years and we have three wonderful children. I hope to be the kind of teacher I want for my own children and I am learning all I can to be my best.